Rotor Revolution RC Podcast EP. 8 Build Tips and Tricks Volume 1

Rotor Revolution RC Podcast EP. 8 Build Tips and Tricks Volume 1

This week the whole gang is back with the first of what will become a semi regular series on the show:  Build Tips and Tricks.   The crew shares some of their favorite methods for a variety of build tasks and offers you some of their favorite tips.  We'll do episodes like this one from time to time, so if there is something you would like us to cover, message our faceboook page or hit us up via email at  

There's also a giant pile of news, and this week we announce the winners of our first hat giveaway!  We truly appreciate all the creative ways you helped us get the word out about the show!  Whether you posted photos, left us a written review, or shared our episode posts we greatly appreciate it.  We've seen a noticeable uptick in new listeners since the contest and we want to welcome all of you to the show.  Thanks for listening!

Come find us on facebook at or visit us on the web at  Want to help out the show?  Leave us a written review on your favorite podcast platform and rate the show!  It really does help more folks find the show.

Congrats to our lucky winners!  Be sure and email us at or message us on our facebook page to claim your prizes.

Rotor Replay:

Goosky Factory Tour:

Scott Graham's This vs That Youtube Channel

Thanks for listening!

-Kenny, Alex, Nick and Brian
@Rotor Revolution RC Podcast